Quantum Information in Spain ICE-8

O consumo de produtos do mar, peixes, mariscos e algas, son parte fundamental dunha dieta sá e equilibrada. Estímase que o seu consumo non debe ser inferior a 3 ou 4 racións na semana por tratarse dun alimento que, ademais do seu alto valor como fonte de Omega-3, nos achega proteínas de alto valor biolóxico, vitamina D e do grupo B, ferro, potasio, iodo, potasio e calcio entre outros nutrientes.

Suitma 12th Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas

Soils are at the center of global concerns including food security, climate change and biodiversity, and they are essential to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, anthropic activities have altered the properties and functionality of many soils, especially during the last century, to a point that anthropogenic soils have deserved specific approaches for their study. The SUITMA12 conference will address all aspects of research on classification, properties, functioning and sustainable management of anthropogenic soils.